Latest Episodes

Episode 7
August 18, 2021
Episode 7 - Joe Eames
Max and Brian talk to comedian, Joe Eames about his illustrious high school football career, even more impressive radio career and Max storms out...

Episode 6
August 11, 2021
Episode 6 - Elsie How & Chris Trani
Max and Brian talk to comedians, Elsie How and Chris Trani about how Mark Wahlberg would have prevented 9/11 but probably crashed Sully Sullenberg's...

Episode 5
August 04, 2021
Episode 5 - Ms. Brown
Max and Brian talk to comedian and singer, Ms. Brown, about Wahlberg Wife, Jenny McCarthy! If you or anyone you know has any personal...

Episode 4
July 29, 2021
Episode 4 - Connor King
Max and Brian talk to comedian Connor King about his experiences working on a film with one of the infamous Wahlbergs! If you or...

Episode 3
July 23, 2021
Episode 3 - Pat Bolduc
Max and Brian talk to their friend, the delightful Mainer and hilarious comedian Pat Bolduc! Get ready for a real Bangor!!! If you or...

Episode 2
July 14, 2021
Episode 2 - Adam Gilbert
It is with great pleasure that we inform you all that the first episode put up some numbers, dude. We have thousands of listeners...